Monday, September 29, 2008

We have a fence!

I'll try and add some pictures later, but the fence for the park is up! You'll find it has two sections, one for small and large dogs.

I wasn't able to check closely enough to determine if the water has been run already. Stay tuned and hopefully we will be playing with our pups there soon...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Very special thanks to The Tennessean!

We've been quite fortunate all of the media coverage for this project and I simply cannot thank The Tennessean enough for it. We were contacted by Mitchell Kline last week for a quick blurp and some pictures. I'm quite happy to say you'll be seeing a lot of me, Bailey, Raven & Hershey at the dog park before you know it (unfortunately Joyce had school the day this was shot).

Here is a link to the full article for all those interested:

Second dog park will let pups frolic with friends

Friday, June 6, 2008

We're getting there! Update from WCPR...

Let me start by apologizing for the delay between posts. I'm usually a tenacious "ankle-biter" but wanted to give the bond sale process time to play-out...

Some really great news from Bob at WCPR:
  • The bonds have been sold and we now have our funds!
  • Bids should start coming within the next few weeks
  • The ground has been marked for fencing.
  • There will be two separate fenced areas, one for large and one for small dogs.
I know this seems a long time coming, but it looks like things are on their way!

Monday, March 24, 2008

We have bonds approved!

Heard the following from WCPR today:

"The bonds were passed at the commission meeting on March 10th. It does however take some time to sell the bonds. I would imagine you are looking at sometime in early summer before we will have the funding in house"

While it won't be here for Spring, I think we've got to be happy that it is coming. We've got to remember that this is the govt. we're working with and they can only move as fast as the red tape allows.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Update from WCPR

As alluded to below, few things in the government move quickly. From WCPR:

"The county postponed the voting on the bond issuance until it's March 10th meeting. After that I will have the okay to start getting purchase orders for products for the dog park.
I haven't forgotten you, things just move very slow with the government."

Be assured, I'll follow-up shortly after the 10th and let everyone know what I hear...